About me

When it comes to music, everyone certainly has their own story to tell. This is especially true when this music is played from vinyl records in the “digital age”. Probably everyone has that one record that got them hooked and will always hold a unique place. In my case it was “Even In His Youth” on the B-side of the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” 12″ single.

Even if the sound of a record is unique and may differ from that of a CD, there is often a desire to optimize the components and their interaction. This is where turntable adjustment comes into play. And with it often great uncertainty and frustration. When I started dealing with turntable adjustment over a decade ago, I had the following prerequisites:

  • a turntable (obviously)
  • a recently completed engineering degree
  • no children yet

Under these circumstances, I devoted myself uninhibitedly to this subject and enjoyed what I find most appealing about engineering: modeling, simulating and optimizing a complex technical system, and then validating the results obtained in reality.

I’m aware that not everyone who approaches the subject of turntable adjustment is a downright nerd, and fortunately there’s no need to be. With this website I want to support all those who want to reveal the possibilities of their turntable. Of course, understanding the background of turntable adjustment requires a certain technical interest. But my goal is to keep these guides as non-technical and simple as possible. I’m sorry to disappoint those who were looking forward to acquiring expensive specialty tools: we’ll be using simple household items most of the time.

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Do you want to give feedback? Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.